
These findings highlight the potential of T1 , CWT1ρ , and AdT1ρ in evaluation of changes in cartilage.
Novel meniscal preservation and implantation techniques appears to be safe and effective for restoring knee function in this preclinical model.
These findings support that arthroscopic DMM results in joint degeneration in the Yucatan minipig.
The osteochondral unit was restored both at the level of the cartilaginous layer and the subchondral bone.
Biologics added to SCP treatment may further enhance its beneficial effects by improving range-of-motion, pain severity, and limb loading through 1 year after treatment.
This translational study supports the continuing use of dGEMRIC as a biomarker for prearthritic cartilage degeneration.
In response to localized degradative enzyme activity, the meniscus increases the release of pro-inflammatory and degradative biomarkers in a dose-dependent manner.