
The new tomographic method was repeatable and reproducible for the measurement of tibial torsion in dogs with MPL.
This case report describes a rare fracture of the lateral malleolus, which was stabilised directly using a simple and effective pin and tension band wire technique.
Percutaneous fluoroscopy-guided placement of a 3.0 mm HCS is a safe method for surgical reduction of SIL in cats.
The currently available UHMWPEIs were shown to be suitable for treating PL grades 2, 3 or 4 in cats weighing ⩾3 kg.
The PTMTA is considered clinically useful because it can be visually ascertained during palpation.
The aim of this study was to report the clinical outcomes in a series of traumatic elbow luxations in cats treated with closed reduction and a temporary transarticular type II external skeletal fixator (ESF).