Improved Computed Tomography Accuracy with a 1-mm versus 2- or 3-mm Slice Thickness for the Detection of Medial Coronoid Disease in Dogs

Objectives Computed tomography (CT) is used complementarily to radiography for the evaluation of medial coronoid disease (MCD). We hypothesized that a slice thickness>2mm would significantly affect the image quality and detection of fragmentation of the medial coronoid process. This study aimed to assess CT features indicating direct and indirect evidence of MCD in 168 CT studies with slice thicknesses of 1-, 2- and 3mm.

Raffaela T. Zweifel1 Pamela DiDonato1 Antje Hartmann2 Martin Kramer1 Kerstin H. von Pückler1

1Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Clinic for Small Animals, Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany 2Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Clinic for Small Animals Hofheim, Hofheim, Germany