Mixed breed
7 Years of age
Presented with not ambulatory paraparesis after trauma.
One lateral radiograph of the abdomen was taken.
Radiographic examination
Left lateral view of the abdomen
Radiographic findings
- There is a severe narrowing of the intervertebral space L2-3 with a minimal step formation ventrally (arrows).
- There is well defined, half moon shaped fat tissue opacity ventral to the umbelical area.
Close up of the left lateral view of the spine
Radiographic Diagnosis
- The diagnosis was collapsed intervertebral disc space L2-3 with subluxation.
- Incidental finding was a small umbelical hernia.
- To evaluate the condition of the spinal cord, an MRI of the region was performed.
T2 weighted images, sagittal scan (upper image) and transverse view at the level of the L2-3 intervertebral space (lower image).There is a cleft in the intervertebral disc L2-3 (arrow) with loss of signal intensity of the nucleus pulposus.
There is focal mild extradural spinal cord compression (empty arrow) secondary to the herniation of disc material. Focal myelopathy and L3 subluxation also present.
- The dog underwent surgery, there was lot of discal material in the vertebral canal and the subluxation was stabilized. Post OP radiographs were taken.
VD and left lateral view of the thoracic and lumbar spine post OP.