
Owners commonly sought a stifle orthosis for CrCL deficiency due to reservations regarding surgical management.
A water level at or above the stifle will achieve the best stifle kinematics following surgical stifle stabilisation
A viable surgical approach. Precise portal placement and adequate infrapatellar fat pad debridement are critical.
Arterial hemorrhage can be controlled by occlusion of the compromised artery through distraction of the osteotomy gap
Abnormal PF kinematics may play a role in the development of osteoarthritis that is commonly observed in the PF joint CrCL-deficient stifles
Body weight, thickness of cortical hinge and angle of opening of the osteotomy were factors identified among 147 dogs
CBLO results in minimal to no change in articular cartilage in at a median time of 14 months after surgery