
The high variances in PTA measurement in less experienced observers may influence the clinical outcome of surgery.
Selection of a larger cage size during the TTA may be advantageous to compensate for underadvancement and to minimize the risk of residual cranial tibial translation.
We believe that in small-breed dogs with patellar luxation, patella status would be unlikely to have a clinically meaningful effect on the measured TPA.
Rate of return to competition and duration of the convalescent period may be useful outcome variables for future investigations involving orthopedic procedures in dogs.
Absorbable staples may be considered to close surgical wounds when subsequent suture removal would be impractical, without specific concerns over inflammation or infection of the wound.
A combined transverse femoral ostectomy and tibial tuberosity distalisation technique resolved medial patella luxation with patella alta in two dogs.
Staged rather than single-session bilateral surgery should be considered in dogs with bilateral medial patellar luxation to improve clinical outcome and reduce the chance of major complications.
Medial tibial plateau convexity may play a role in the development of CCL insufficiency.
These results should prompt surgeons to reconsider systematic antibiotherapy after TPLO and justify additional studies to determine whether dogs predisposed to infection could benefit from such an approach.