Interview with Andrea Meyer-Lindenberg

Andrea Meyer-Lindenberg Prof. Dr. med. vet.
Ludwig-Maximilians University
Munich (Germany)

Graduation: Where and when
University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, 1989

University of Veterinary Medicine, Small Animal Clinic, Hannover:
Doctorate degree, Dr. med. vet., 1991
Habilitation, 2002
Specialist for Small Animals, 1994
Specialist for Surgery, 1996
Additional designation as Specialist for Animal Ophthalmology, 2003
Certificate FeLASA – C, 2007

Employment after graduation
Scientific employee at the Small Animal Clinic, University of Veterinary Medicine 1989 – 1993

Following appointments up to your current position
Scientific assistant at the Small Animal Clinic, University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, 1993 - 2002
Assistant Professor (C2) at the Small Animal Clinic, University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, 2002 - 2005
01.06. 2005: Professor (W2) for Veterinary Surgery at the Small Animal Clinic, University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, until 31.03.2011

Current position
Since 01.04.2011: Professor (W3) for Veterinary Surgery and Head of the Clinic of Small Animal Surgery and Reproduction of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich

What or who stimulated your desire to become a veterinarian?
My great love and affection for dogs, horses and surgery

When did you decide to specialize in Orthopaedics, and who were your mentors?
My fields as a specialist are Orthopaedics/Traumatology but also Soft Tissue Surgery in addition – my mentors were Prof. Brunnberg, Prof. Köstlin, Prof. Meutstege

What do you see as the future of veterinary orthopaedics?
Veterinary orthopaedics already is on a very high level