Morphometric measurements to predict meniscal size in skeletally mature dogs for meniscal transplantation

Cradic DW, Aulakh KS, Hymel P, Barnes K, Gines JA, Rademacher N, Aulakh HK, Liu CC
Vet Surg. 2019 Aug 21. doi: 10.1111/vsu.13313.

OBJECTIVE: To determine a relationship between morphometric measurements (MM) and meniscal dimensions (MD) in the dog.

STUDY DESIGN: Cadaveric study.

ANIMALS: Eighteen mixed-breed canine cadavers (22.35 ± 4.06 kg); 36 each of medial and lateral menisci.

METHODS: The following MM were obtained in duplicate: height at scapula, withers, pelvis, rump, and greater trochanter; chest circumference; pelvic circumference; length from occiput to the base of the tail; hock to stifle length (HS); body weight; body condition score; and body fat percentage (BF%). Stifles were disarticulated, and digital photographs of in situ menisci were used to obtain meniscal measurements in duplicate. Morphometric parameters were compared with MD via Pearson correlation (r). A correlation of r ≥ 0.65 was considered strong.

RESULTS: The strongest correlation was noted between HS and MD, with r = 0.85 for lateral meniscal width, r = 0.77 for medial meniscal length, and r = 0.76 for medial meniscal width. Lateral meniscal length had the strongest correlation with height at rump (HRu) (r = 0.73). Body weight correlated strongly with meniscal width and fairly with meniscal length. Body condition score and BF% correlated weakly with MD.

CONCLUSION: Hock to stifle length was an easily obtainable variable and was proportional to MD.

CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE:Hock to stifle length may be considered by tissue banks and veterinary surgeons as a quick and cost effective screening tool for appropriate meniscal sizing in dogs.