Ex vivo postimplantation biomechanical properties of a press-fit cementless femoral stem with transfixation pin for canine total hip replacement

Charles Saban, Joséphine Roles, Julie Deprey, Michel Massenzio, Eric Viguier, Thibaut Cachon
Am J Vet Res. 2022 Sep 27;1-8. doi: 10.2460/ajvr.22.05.0084.

Objective: To compare ex vivo postimplantation biomechanical characteristics of 3 implants for canine total hip replacement: a cementless press-fit femoral stem with a pin in the femoral neck (p-pfFS), a press-fit cementless femoral stem without this pin (pfFS), and a cemented femoral stem (cFS).

Sample: 18 cadaveric femurs from 9 dogs.

Procedures: Femurs were assigned randomly to 3 groups, and biomechanical testing was performed by measuring vertical displacement during cyclic loading and resistance to failure with compression parallel to the longitudinal axis of the femur. Force-displacement curves were assessed for failure tests, and work necessary for failure was calculated.

Results: No significant differences were observed in vertical displacement during cyclic loading (P = .263) or work necessary for failure (P = .079). Loads to failure for cFS and p-pfFS implants were significantly greater than that for the pfFS, but no significant difference in load to failure was observed between cFS and p-pfFS implants (P = .48).

Clinical relevance: Cementless femoral stems with a transfixation pin offer significantly greater immediate resistance to failure to compressive loads parallel to the longitudinal axis of the femur than standard cementless stems, and a level of stability comparable to that of cemented stems. p-pfFS implants may be valuable in total hip replacement, potentially reducing the risk of fracture during the early postoperative period prior to osteointegration.