Objectives: The objective of this study was to report outcome and postoperative complications following stabilisation of humeral condylar fractures in skeletally immature French bulldogs with a transcondylar screw combined with locking or hybrid locking plates.
Materials and methods: Medical records from one referral hospital were reviewed to identify skeletally immature French bulldogs with humeral condylar fractures treated with a transcondylar screw and epicondylar locking or hybrid locking plates crossing the distal humeral physis.
Results: Forty-five fractures in 41 different dogs with a mean age of 4 months (range 3.5 to 5) were identified. Six cases had complications: two (4.4%) minor and four (8.9%) major. Short-term clinical outcome was excellent in 35 (77.8%), good in nine (20%) and poor in one (2.2%) case. Forty-one of 45 fractures reached radiographic union without further surgical intervention; the remaining four cases reached union following revision surgery. Long-term owner assessed outcome by telephone interview was graded as excellent in all available cases (26 of 41 dogs).
Clinical significance: This study suggests that the stabilisation of humeral condylar fractures in skeletally immature French bulldogs with combinations of a transcondylar screw and epicondylar locking or hybrid locking plates crossing the distal humeral physis was safe and led comparable outcomes and complication rates to previous reports.