Complications and Long-Term Outcomes After Prosthetic Capsule Replacement in 15 Dogs with Traumatic Hip Luxation

Giovanna Redolfi, Jean-Guillaume Grand
J Am Anim Hosp Assoc. 2023 Mar 1;59(2):59-68. doi: 10.5326/JAAHA-MS-7244.

Complications and long-term clinical outcomes for 15 dogs surgically treated for traumatic craniodorsal hip luxation by prosthetic capsule replacement (PCR) with a prosthetic ligament were retrospectively reviewed.

A PCR technique with capsulorrhaphy was performed in all dogs using acetabular screws with washers and a femoral tunnel as anchor points for the polyester prosthetic ligament. A non-weight-bearing sling was not placed. Minimum 1 yr follow-up period was required for study inclusion.

Two major complications (13.3%) consisting of craniodorsal hip reluxation (n = 1) and capital physeal fracture (n = 1) were observed. Minor complications (superficial skin necrosis) occurred in one case (6.7 %). The patient with craniodorsal hip reluxation underwent femoral head and neck ostectomy and was excluded from long-term analysis. In the 11 cases that returned for long-term (median, 3.8 yr; range, 19-75 mo) evaluation at the authors' institution, 10/11 of the dogs were clinically sound. Three dogs did not return for long-term evaluation. However, telephone interview with owners minimum1 yr after surgery indicated normal limb function and absence of complications in all three cases.

These results suggest that PCR with polyester prosthetic ligament can be successful in maintaining hip reduction in dogs with craniodorsal hip luxation.