Canine elbow realignment osteotomy for treatment of axial humeroradial or humeroulnar incongruency in four dogs

Janek Jaworski, Neil J Burton
Vet Rec. 2023 Oct 03;e2726. doi: 10.1002/vetr.2726.

Canine elbow incongruity is a condition that may be associated with the development of dysplastic lesions of the elbow; namely, medial coronoid process disease, osteochondrosis of the humeral condyle and ununited anconeal process. Axial elbow incongruity (either short radius or short ulna syndrome) may predispose to the development of elbow osteoarthritis. Surgical correction of incongruity has previously been described in an effort to improve lameness and mitigate progression of osteoarthritis, although a system by which to achieve measured and precise adjustment of congruity of both the radius and ulna has been lacking.

This case series describes application of CERO for the treatment of humeroradial and humeroulnar incongruity in four dogs. The long-term follow-up, where available based on the LOAD questionnaires completed, demonstrated good outcomes with only ‘mild articular disorder’.17 The owners’ perception of their dogs’ quality of life as being ‘very good’ following surgery supports this statement. The case series documented one minor, self-limiting complication, seroma, and one major complication, associated with implant failure19; neither complication necessitated surgical intervention. At the time of surgery being performed on Case D, the CERO system was only available in a 2.7-mm plate/screw size; this has subsequently been expanded to both 2.0- and 3.5 mm systems. In retrospect, a 3.5-mm plate/screw size would have been more appropriate for this patient and may have negated the complication of screw breakage and implant loosening that occurred.